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Saturday, November 17, 2007

URL: - Official Forex Enterprise Site

“Here Is A Way To
Make Money That Has Never Yet Failed”

Dear Friend,

Just 4 years ago I was in your position.

I was desperate and broke. I tried running my own business. In fact I spent 4 months trying to create a living for myself online.

I eventually gave up. I had made $56.78 in 4 months of sweat and sometimes tears.

I thought I’d give up. Get a job as a postal worker, and instead of running a successful business I’d derive pleasure from my family or hobbies.

It seemed like a plan...

And so I eventually found myself walking to the mail depot around 4 miles from my home. I asked the lady at the desk for an application form, only to be told the jobs were so thin on the ground I’d be wasting my time.

Besides she told me, they’d run out of application forms that morning.

...I Couldn’t Even Get a Job As a Mailman!... More -

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