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Wednesday, January 9, 2008

URL: - Official Web 2 Submitter .com Site

Dramatically Increase Your Traffic While Saving Hours Of Time... 100% Guaranteed!

We have recently proven to over 30,000 website owners who downloaded the Authority Black Book that submitting your latest blog posts to the various Web 2.0 news sites is a powerful method to generate immediate targeted traffic to your blog.

Everyone is loving the high-quality traffic and links they are generating with our methods. We submit to sites like Digg, Netscape, Reddit, Shoutwire, Plime, Newsvine and Stumble Upon. The traffic coming back to our posts is near-instant.

Not to mention the authority link building using these methods which gets you into the engines faster and ranked higher and higher each passing month.

Here's a good tip... Whenever you make a post you should use a service called Only Wire to submit the post. It submits your content to 19 different social bookmarking sites. This means 19 instant backlinks to your site!

And these are deep links, not just links to your main domain. Howie Schwartz, a top SEO specialist and friend of ours, never stops talking about the importance of deep linking to pages within your site to boost the authority of your site.

Here's the problem though: Submitting to these sites individually (even using RoboForm) is a time-consuming process. You have to copy your story title, link, description and tags into a notepad file and copy and paste to each site.

Oh yeah... before that you have to login to each site. Once the process is complete it normally takes over an hour to submit your latest blog post to all of these powerful high-traffic sites.

And if you are posting every day, or close to it, you are talking a minimum of 7 hours a week you are spending on this one task. And there is more you need to do if you really want to market your site well.

So time is of the essence. Saving time wherever you can means more time to improve your site, write great content, make sales, and more time for yourself and your family.

We have heard from our clients and Authority Black Book Readers loud and clear. You want something to drastically streamline this time consuming task without becoming a spammer and getting kicked out of your favorite Web 2.0 sites... More -

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