URL: RankingLoopHole.com - Ranking Loop Hole Site Here How to Actually Rank For Any Keyword With a Legitimate Search Engine "Loophole"...
Everyone wants to have their site rank well in Google.
And why not? Not only can Google send you a boatload of free traffic - it's also highly targeted, and it's one of the best ways to drive business.
The problem is, that exact same ideal is shared with thousands of your direct competitors. This creates an environment where you'll always be fighting, kicking and scratching to maintain your traffic - along with the ever present fear that your livelihood is only one "algorithm update" away from vanishing.
And that's if you can even get ranked for any decent keyword, to begin with...
In fact, only the largest, most-established authority sites can reliably see consistent traffic from Google. And even then, their rankings fluctuate constantly - several times a day, in some cases.
The fact is - it's getting harder and harder for the "little guy" to get any kind of meaningful web presence on the web these days.
Getting ranked in Google is almost impossible unless you've got a major promotional budget and some time on your hands to "wait" for your domain to become trusted (Google favors older domains). And advertising with pay-per-click ads isn't affordable like it once was.
Search marketing has finally become what everyone feared it would - a game reserved for big business.
But what if there was still a way to legtiimately rank for keywords with tons of traffic?
And what if you could do this without having to spend months and even years building up an authority site to do so?
In fact - what if you could systematically create one-page minisites that could rapidly rank in the top 3 spots (consistently) for basically any keyword you target within a matter of a week or so?
Is this for real?
But not with Google.
It's happening right now, as we speak, on MSN.com
Now - before you think it - yes, I know, MSN doesn't have nearly the reach that Google does. But, it still does receive millions and millions of search users daily. After all - MSN is the default home-page for anyone who first uses Internet Explorer.
And, to put it in perspective, which would drive more traffic?
Occupying the #1 ranking for your most desirable keyword target on MSN?
Or occupying the #47 spot on page 5 of Google's results?
Sadly, it's actually more effort to make it to the 47th spot in Google than it is to literally dominate in MSN.
How does this work?
Watch this video to find out:
Like I said - forget about Google.
Focus on something that you can actually WIN with, and win big!
Find What You Need To Know About Digital Products Online
Thursday, November 20, 2008
How to Actually Rank For Any Keyword With a Legitimate Search Engine "Loophole"...
Posted by
12:00 AM
Labels: Articles, Business-to-Business, Marketing-and-Ads
Friday, February 29, 2008
Truth About Abs
Truth About Abs Truth About Abs
5 Facts You MUST Understand if You Are Ever Going to Lose Your Belly Fat & Get Six Pack Abs
by Mike Geary - Certified Nutrition Specialist, Certified Personal Trainer (CPT)
1. Many so-called "health foods" are actually cleverly disguised junk foods that can actually stimulate you to gain more belly fat... yet the diet food marketing industry continues to lie to you so they can maximize their profits.
2. Ab exercises such as crunches, sit-ups, and ab machines are actually the LEAST effective method of getting flat six pack abs. We'll explore what types of exercises REALLY work in a minute.
3. Boring repetitive cardio exercise routines are NOT the best way to lose body fat and uncover those six pack abs. I'll tell you the exact types of unique workouts that produce 10x better results below.
4. You DON'T need to waste your money on expensive "extreme fat burner" pills or other bogus supplements. I'll show you how to use the power of natural foods in more detail below.
5. Ab belts, ab-rockers, ab-loungers, and other infomercial ab-gimmicks... they're all a complete waste of your time and money. Despite the misleading infomercials, the perfectly chiseled fitness models in the commercials did NOT get their perfect body by using that "ab contraption"... they got their perfect body through REAL workouts and REAL nutrition strategies. Again, you'll learn some of their secrets and what really works below.
So, let's set the record straight once and for all...
More - Truth About Abs
Posted by
7:11 AM
Labels: Health-and-Fitness, Sports-and-Recreation
Gov Resources
Gov Resources Gov Resources
Instantly Search Millions of Public Records & Resources Using Our Public Record Databases
All Public Records In One Site Search any record you're looking for in 1 minute
Begin Searching public records of people all across the United States by doing a Public Record Search today! You too can have instant access to gain new found knowledge on millions of individuals accross the US.
By using our 100% legal and fully organized databases, you will have access to complete research tools for obtaining public information about practically anyone from the privacy of your own home or office.
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Tired of doing Searches that get you nowhere?
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More - Gov Resources
Posted by
7:01 AM
Labels: Home-and-Family, Society-and-Culture
Doubling Stocks
Doubling Stocks Doubling Stocks
"Two Geeks From Seattle Swear Under Oath Their Stock Trading Robot is Not Illegal!"
... A Stock Trading Robot That Can Run on Your Home Computer and Earn $346.77 Per Week (Managing $1000 Capital).
Article by: Tom Hunter
What I am about to share with you, is a very unusual story.
Unusual... because it is about 2 "geeks", named Michael and Carl. Who developed the first commercially available stock picking "robot". Michael (the programmer) named the robot "Marl".
Marl came about after Michael developed the famous "Global Alpha" computer stock trading model, while contracted to Goldman Sachs.
A piece of software which most years is responsible for...
$4,000,000,000+ Annual Trading Profit
With this software project completed, Michael looked for a new way to line his pockets. Unfortunately he had signed a Non Compete and NDA agreement with Goldman Sachs, forbidding him to create software which trades derivatives and similar financial instruments (like Global Alpha).
After 3 weeks of being temporarily unemployed, Michael who was very wealthy and very bored... Decided to start a new project.
You' see Goldman Sachs and most other large investment funds are at a major disadvantage. They often manage portfolios of up to $10,000,000,000 (ten billion dollars) - and because of this when they invest in stocks their scope is limited to just a few of the worlds largest firms (Coca-Cola, Google).
This problem is widespread amongst fund managers whom manage large amounts of capital. In fact Warren Buffet (Whom manages $53 billion) has the exact same problem.
More - Doubling Stocks
Posted by
6:54 AM
Labels: Business-to-Business, Money-and-Employment
The Rich Jerk
The Rich Jerk The Rich Jerk
Don't Waste My Time...
Let's get something straight. I'm a jerk. I'm obnoxious. And I'm lazy.
And I don’t care, because I'm FILTHY RICH.
I'm much too important to even be sitting here writing this right now. So I'll keep it short.
I make several million dollars every year on the internet, doing almost nothing. You can see some proof here but please keep the drooling to a minimum.
Have you seen proof like that anywhere else? Didn't think so.
Do you make that much money? Didn't think so.
So Who the Hell Am I?
I’m the guy you see driving down the street in a Ferrari with the top down, and you think to yourself, "What an ass!" And you know what? You’re right. But so what? Do you really think I value your opinion? I'm a rich jerk, so I couldn’t care less.
I cut through the BS. If you find me too offensive, obnoxious, or whatever….feel free to leave my website at anytime.
I’m not here to make friends. I’m here to show you EXACTLY how I make millions.
Are You One of the Losers?
We both know you want to be rich like me, otherwise you wouldn't be here. And since you found my website, I'm sure you already know that there are thousands of "get rich quick" programs out there. You’ve probably even bought some of them yourself. Well, are you impressed with them? I’m not. Not even close. These losers make a few grand a month selling some lame book to a sap like you. Big deal. I make millions. And my income is so automatic, it would make you sick.
These people are not trying to help you. They have no “secrets”. It’s the same information over and over again, repackaged differently by new “authors” every year. These guys send you books and binders with over 1,000 pages. They send you DVD's and audio tapes with another 10 hours of material to review. Screw that.
I don't know about you but I'm lazy.
That's why I give you simple instructions without all of the BS. I tell you "here is EXACTLY how to make money - step 1, step 2, etc.", and that's it.
The mere thought of reading thousands of pages of marketing mumbo jumbo turns my stomach.
It's simple:
1. To make money online you need a website. I'll GIVE you a free one. I don't need to give you a 300 page ebook to explain that.
2. Next, you need to get people to visit your website. I'll show you exactly how to do this in less than 2 minutes. I don't need to give you a 4 hour DVD to explain this stuff.
3. Next you need to get the people who visit your site to do stuff that earns you cash. I'll explain this to you in about 47 seconds.
Are you getting the point? I WILL NOT WASTE YOUR TIME.
And unlike these idiots selling their latest money making “programs”, I’m not even going to tell you my name, because I don’t crave attention like they do. Those guys dream of doing seminars, appearances, interviews, etc. I don’t do any of that crap. They want to be famous to make mommy & daddy proud, or so that the people who beat them up in high school will be jealous. Who cares? I don’t want to be famous. I'm a Rich Jerk, making money in my sleep, and I like it that way.
More - The Rich Jerk
Posted by
6:43 AM
Labels: Marketing-and-Ads, Money-and-Employment
Reverse Phone Detective
Reverse Phone Detective Reverse Phone Detective
Reverse Phone Lookup
Find out the owner of any cell phone or unlisted number. Results include name, current address, carrier, and location details when available. Your search is 100% confidential.
Reverse Phone Detective
How To Stop Prank Callers - Lookup Unlisted Phone Numbers - Trace Cell Phone Calls - Find People By Phone Number - Find Addresses By Phone - Reverse Cell Phone Look Up - How To Deal With Threatening Callers - Free Reverse Phone Number Lookup - Phone Records - Telephone Privacy
More - Reverse Phone Detective
Posted by
6:34 AM
Labels: Home-and-Family, Society-and-Culture
Fat Loss 4 Idiots
Fat Loss 4 Idiots Fat Loss 4 Idiots
Weight Loss Facts:
Low Fat Foods DON'T WORK.
You cannot lose weight using Low Fat Diets. Low fat foods have been popular for more than 15 years, but yet our society is getting more overweight as each year passes. This fact alone should tell you that eating a purely low fat menu is not the answer to losing weight.
Low Calorie Diets DON'T WORK.
You won't lose weight using a Low Calorie Dieting Plan either. In fact, eating low calories is the worst thing that you can do to your body, since that will only slow down your body's fat burning engine and ruin all chances of losing weight (low calorie diets may allow a few pounds of weight loss for the first few days, but then after that all weight loss comes to a halt --- known as a dieting plateau). You can never get slim by starving yourself.
Low Carb Plans DON'T WORK.
You'll probably find it extremely difficult to get slim using a Low Carb Dieting Plan. Low carb diets have recently become popular over the last couple years, but the problem with low carb menus is that they are too strict and TOO HARD TO FOLLOW for average people. Low carb menus tend to rob your body of too much energy (carbohydrates) and make it nearly impossible to remain on the program for very long. This is why so many dieters find it difficult to follow a strict low carbohydrate menu.
What about Weight Watchers and Jenny Craig Dieting Plans?
Weight loss programs such as Weight Watchers (and Jenny Craig) usually involve slower dieting progress over a longer period of time, since such programs generally promise only 2-3 pounds of weight loss per week. Also, programs such as Jenny Craig usually involve buying special meals and/or dietary supplements during the initial phases of the program. While some people may like these types of dietary programs, we prefer a dieting plan which focuses on faster weight loss, such as the Accelerated Fat Burning Program shown below...
More - Fat Loss 4 Idiots
Posted by
6:28 AM
Labels: Health-and-Fitness
Net Movie Downloads
Net Movie Downloads Net Movie Downloads
Movies - Music - Games - TV Episodes - Music Video
Wow, Net Movie Downloads has everything you could ever want. Full length movies, music videos, games, music and tv epsiodes. All access from one great site, with easy signup and easy access. No limits with membership.
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More - Net Movie Downloads
Posted by
6:16 AM
Labels: Downloads, Fun-and-Entertainment
Satellite TV to PC
Satellite TV to PC Satellite TV to PC
Get over 3000 Stations for a small one-time fee!
Why pay over $90.00 a month for Cable or Satellite TV services?
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Satellite TV for PC ™ is the product of more than 7 years of dedicated research and development to create an easy-to-use computer program that legally accesses thousands of television channels from all over the world and sends them to your computer through the internet!
Once you download our software you can watch just about anything you want! This includes:
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• You Can Even Watch Channels That You Can’t Get From Your Cable Or Satellite Provider…Even If…You Paid Them!
TV, cable, or satellite is very regulated and controlled by our government as well as foreign governments. However you can now legally get access to these secret channels that our government doesn’t want us to see! For example, you can watch…
Satellite TV to PC
• Egypt State Channel that shows programming directly from the Egyptian Government!
• Aljazeera TV from Iran which shows the Iraq war live and uncensored!
• Vietnam HDTV!
• Venezuela TV, which is controlled by Hugo Chavez!
• Cubavision from Cuba!
And many more channels that you otherwise can’t get in the United States! You will have access to these channels and watching them will truly open your eyes to what’s REALLY going on in the world.
More - Satellite TV to PC
Posted by
5:56 AM
Get Google Ads Free
Get Google Ads Free Get Google Ads Free
>> Internet Multimillionaire is deliberately out to show up Google, Yahoo,
MSN and every other big search engine by giving away this monster of a
secret! (But he doesn’t even care!)...
"Internet Marketer Gets $87 Million in Google Pay-Per-Click Ads FREE! ... And Makes Over $314 Million as a Result! ... And Now He's Going to Give You This Same Secret for Next to Nothing!"
Get Google Ads Free
“Everyday Google sells several $10 million’s in pay-per-clicks. But I get all mine absolutely FREE – and now I am going to show you how to get yours FREE also!”
That’s right – Start Sharing in the *Incredible* Secret So Few Others Know About that Allow Them to Actually Get All Their Pay-Per-Click Advertising Absolutely FREE!
Fast facts about this amazing NEW SECRET!...
This is an incredible system developed by none other than Dr Jon Cohen, MD (retired) who found a little-known “twist” in how to use the pay-per-click (PPC) and paid-for targeted advertising programs at Google™ and the other search engines.
Get Google Ads Free
Dr Jon has personally used this to:
* Eliminate over $87 million in otherwise paid-for and PPC ads at Google™ and other search engines over the course of about 9 years now!
* Generate over $314 million in product sales as a result of this incredible savings!
* Acquire a personal wealth of more than $68 million! (Net)
* Start and develop 16 online ventures of his own.
* Has coached “live” where he taught others this same amazing formula - including 198 executives from major Fortune 500 and FortuneSM 1000 companies, 14 representatives of publicly-traded companies on the New York Stock ExchangeSM (NYSE), 82 more on the NASDAQ®, 5 members of investment houses on the American Stock ExchangeSM (AMEX), as well as at least one former US Congressman (now retired also) who now stays at home and runs a home-based online family business, among countless others.
Get Google Ads Free
This system has nothing to do with Google “vouchers” or “AdWords™ credits.”
Instead, Dr Jon’s system is very unique to say the least, and allows for the elimination of advertisers having to suffer the burden of costs of their Google and otherwise paid-for search engine advertising expenses!
It can even create many additional streams of income flooding money directly into your pocket very quickly!
Above all, it’s unlike anything you’ve ever seen!...
More - Get Google Ads Free
Posted by
5:37 AM
Labels: Business-to-Business, Marketing-and-Ads
Dog Food SECRETS - Video
Dog Food SECRETS - Video
You're about to discover the terrifying-truth about commercial dog food that is linked to the deaths of thousands of dogs across the US every single day.
Many world-famous Doctors of Veterinary Medicine and published Dog Care Experts universally agree any dog that eats commercial dog food is at a much higher risk of dying prematurely and by the time symptoms are noticeable, it's often too late to prevent an agonizing death except by lethal injection.
See their shocking, research-supported claims in this report.
Also in this report, I show you a simple solution proven to increase the lifespan of your dog by up to 134% and save you up to $10,000.
To discover these amazing secrets just continue reading and your reward is a super-healthy, incredibly-happy dog that stays by-your-side for up to 8.3-years longer than statistically predicted.
Introducing the 1-of-a-kind, step-by-step survival guide that makes your dog live a longer, healthier life, so you enjoy up to 8.3 more years of happiness & companionship than is statistically predicted. Dog Food SECRETS
Dog Food SECRETS™ is your survival-guide to a healthier, happier dog that lives up to 8.3 years longer than dogs whose owners feed them commercial dog food and don't follow the comprehensive steps I outline for you.
Yes, it's been documented that dogs fed exclusively on specific, well-balanced, calorie-controlled, home-made recipes exactly like those found in this book AND follow the same principles of nutrition & calorie control I teach you, live up to 8.3 years longer.
Amazingly, that's like you living for an extra 57-years after statistics predict you should be dead!
Your dog & best-friend can live a very long & happy life with these secrets & your help.
More - Dog Food SECRETS
Posted by
5:11 AM
Labels: Home-and-Family, Videos
Monday, January 14, 2008
URL: www.NicheResearchRevolution.com - Official Niche Research Revolution .com Site Niche Research Revolution
I Was Told I Was Insane To Do This...
“30 Niches... COMPLETELY Researched... Handed To YOU On A Silver Platter...
So You Have NO Excuses Not To Rake In A Solid Income!”
That's When The Lights Came On
If this was the one thing that Internet marketers would sell their living souls for because they knew finding a profitable niche would rake in the cold hard cash like gangbusters...
Why don't I just give them what they really want?
That's right...you can throw away all your how to books on niche research. I've done the work for you with my... More - www.NicheResearchRevolution.com
Posted by
12:01 PM
Labels: Marketing-and-Ads, Money-and-Employment, New-Products
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
PSP Blender
URL: www.PSPBlender.com - Official PSP Blender .com Site PSP Blender PSP Downloads - Movies, Games, Music, Wallpaper and Downloads
PSP Movies
Download all your favorite movies and TV shows to your computer then transfer them to your PSP in a very easy manner.
All titles available in HD, and DVD quality video and audio.
Our wide range of PSP games available for download include:
Music & More
We have a vast selection of music available for download. Songs, full albums, not to mention other downloads like software, images, ebooks, and more!... Download PSP Blender
Posted by
5:09 PM
Labels: Fun-and-Entertainment
URL: www.TheCodeGifts.com - Official The Code Gifts .com Site The Code Gifts - The Giveaway Code Gifts - JV Giveaway Gifts
Instant Download to over $11,787 of Digital Products
If you are chasing digital info-products, resellable PDF's, MP3's, website design, graphics packages, Joint Venture Activities, and the like, then you've come to the right place !
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With over $11,787 worth of products and services available for instant download, what's holding you back from joining up ?... More - www.TheCodeGifts.com
Posted by
5:03 PM
Labels: Business-to-Business
19 Keys To Create Success
URL: www.FindYourGreatness.com - Official Find Your Greatness .com Site 19 Keys To Create Success
If you have ever wanted success but just keep slamming into brick walls, missing key opportunities, or just don't know how to create success, read on...
Revealed At Last! "Discover 19 of the Most Important Keys to Create Success"
I finally discovered the secret to success!
Have you ever bought a program or a book that was supposed to help you create success only to find that the information was tailored to the person who wrote the program or book? Or have you bought information on creating success in your life that was too far over your head for you to actually apply to your life?
When I first started, to want to know how to create success in my life, I was very frustrated because I couldn't find any down-to-earth, common sense information on how to do it.
They would tell me things like 'sign up now and watch your life miraculously change' and 'buy this and begin to see success in your life tomorrow'. How about this one 'Never need another success program after this one'? How about you, have you ever seen something like that?
I decided that it was time to create a common sense guide to creating success. You see, there is more to creating success than just some new fad that comes around. There are everyday success keys that, if used properly and consistently, will bring success to your life.
Sure, the strategies in the gurus' manuals work - but not like they make it out to be. There isn't one specific formula that creates success automatically. There is more to creating success. It's not hard but it does take work. Anytime you see or hear something that tells you that you can create success effortlessly, it isn't telling you the truth.
Once I discovered that success isn't as easy to acquire as the experts say it is - just because they don't give enough information to make it very easy to their readers - I decided that I wanted to share my information on obtaining success.
I want to share it with anyone who wants success, who is tired of paying way too much for useless information. If I had it my way, I would give it away for free but my wife nixed that one. However, I still want to practically give it away... More - www.FindYourGreatness.com
Posted by
4:55 PM
Labels: Computing-and-Internet
Institutional Forex System II
URL: www.fxnationlive.com - Official fx nati onlive .com Site Institutional Forex System II - Video Tutorials - Trading Tools - eSignal Data Feed
"I will show you how I took $18,255.20 and turned it into $107,264.54 in less than 6 months!" -DC Bonta
DC Bonta is the The World's #1 Forex Money Manager and now you can make a fortune with his step by step strategies!
8 straight months with positive returns
487.53% Compounded Return in less than 6 months
3-year record of profits... 301.7% NET return... 305.0% NET return... 343.5% NET return.
Nicknamed “The Shark” in the trading pits for his ability to devour individual investors in the market
Been amongst the most elite traders on the NYSE and American Stock Exchange
Over 12 years experience trading foreign currency options, equities, equity options and Forex
Recognized as a performance leader by Morgan Stanley
Morgan Stanley invited DC as a guest speaker to address the broker trainee class of 1997 in their World Trade Center offices in NYC
Trader for TD Waterhouse, a division of Toronto Dominion Bank (one of the largest banks in the world)
Author of 2 Forex E-books
International Money Manager has traded millions of dollars from North America, South America, Central America, The Middle East, Australia, New Zealand, Europe and Asia
Developed top performing trading systems designed for banks and financial institutions... More - Institutional Forex System II
Posted by
4:44 PM
Labels: Money-and-Employment
Forex Enterprise
URL: www.ForexEnterprise.com - Official Forex Enterprise .com Site Forex Enterprise - Make Easy Money Online | Make Money from Home
“Here Is A Way To Make Money That Has Never Yet Failed”
I was desperate and broke. I tried running my own business. In fact I spent 4 months trying to create a living for myself online.
I eventually gave up. I had made $56.78 in 4 months of sweat and sometimes tears.
I thought I’d give up. Get a job as a postal worker, and instead of running a successful business I’d derive pleasure from my family or hobbies.
It seemed like a plan...
And so I eventually found myself walking to the mail depot around 4 miles from my home. I asked the lady at the desk for an application form, only to be told the jobs were so thin on the ground I’d be wasting my time.
Besides she told me, they’d run out of application forms that morning.
...I Couldn’t Even Get a Job As a Mailman!
That was it. I was sick and tired.
Life at that point sucked... I was getting tired of stealing food and bumming other people’s cigarettes and not having the rent money. It was no fun shinning down a drainpipe to ensure I avoid meeting my landlady in the hall.
I started working on a system for making money.
I had done this before, but there was a distinct difference. You’ see this time I was 3 months late on my rent, another 8 days and it was to become 4.
My then girlfriend (now wife) was pregnant and expecting the baby within 3 months.
I started thinking. I called this “Gun to Head” thinking, because that’s almost literally what it was.
If I couldn’t come up with the money we’d be thrown out, and the first glimpse my daughter would have of this world would be in “comfortable poverty”.
I left my morals on the wayside for this one...
Because what I came up with involved... More - www.ForexEnterprise.com
Posted by
4:37 PM
Labels: Business-to-Business, Money-and-Employment
URL: www.Paint-and-Draw.com - Official Paint and Draw .com Site Paint and Draw
"Learn How To Paint And Draw"
You could hear my friend laughing a mile away when I told him I wanted to be an artist… you should have seen the look on his face when I showed him the picture below…
If I offered you a plain brown box full of hidden master drawing secrets… would you take a look inside?
Or, would you turn and walk away? Wouldn’t you be curious? Wouldn’t you want to know what painting secrets lie inside?
Wouldn’t you want to know if you could use the forgotten drawing and painting knowledge of 1000 years?
If your answer is No!… This is not for you… Go now!
If your answer is Yes!… Read on…
Hidden within the next few words is a lost art treasure… unknown and unseen for countless years… You’ll be surprised when you understand!
Even more valuable…
When you unlock the hidden art secrets you could use the vanished gems inside… to find a masterpiece with your own name on… More - www.Paint-and-Draw.com
Posted by
4:30 PM
Labels: Home-and-Family, Society-and-Culture
Secure Private Data
URL: www.OneClickPrivacy.com - Official One Click Privacy .com Site Secure Private Data
Your computer is a treasure trove of secrets just waiting to be exposed. Cover your tracks and secure your sensitive information with affordable and powerful One Click Privacy software.
Peace of mind is just one click away. Feel secure in the knowledge that with One Click Privacy, nobody will have anything on you. Your personal life should remain exactly that… personal.
Try a FREE scan now and discover what secrets are hiding on your PC!... More - www.OneClickPrivacy.com
Posted by
4:17 PM
Labels: Computing-and-Internet
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12:55 PM
Labels: Business-to-Business, Marketing-and-Ads
URL: www.Web2Submitter.com - Official Web 2 Submitter .com Site Dramatically Increase Your Traffic While Saving Hours Of Time... 100% Guaranteed!
We have recently proven to over 30,000 website owners who downloaded the Authority Black Book that submitting your latest blog posts to the various Web 2.0 news sites is a powerful method to generate immediate targeted traffic to your blog.
Everyone is loving the high-quality traffic and links they are generating with our methods. We submit to sites like Digg, Netscape, Reddit, Shoutwire, Plime, Newsvine and Stumble Upon. The traffic coming back to our posts is near-instant.
Not to mention the authority link building using these methods which gets you into the engines faster and ranked higher and higher each passing month.
Here's a good tip... Whenever you make a post you should use a service called Only Wire to submit the post. It submits your content to 19 different social bookmarking sites. This means 19 instant backlinks to your site!
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Here's the problem though: Submitting to these sites individually (even using RoboForm) is a time-consuming process. You have to copy your story title, link, description and tags into a notepad file and copy and paste to each site.
Oh yeah... before that you have to login to each site. Once the process is complete it normally takes over an hour to submit your latest blog post to all of these powerful high-traffic sites.
And if you are posting every day, or close to it, you are talking a minimum of 7 hours a week you are spending on this one task. And there is more you need to do if you really want to market your site well.
So time is of the essence. Saving time wherever you can means more time to improve your site, write great content, make sales, and more time for yourself and your family.
We have heard from our clients and Authority Black Book Readers loud and clear. You want something to drastically streamline this time consuming task without becoming a spammer and getting kicked out of your favorite Web 2.0 sites... More - www.Web2Submitter.com
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12:48 PM
Labels: Business-to-Business, Marketing-and-Ads
Roulette System: How you can win Roulette easily and automatically
URL: www.101RouletteWinningTips.com - Official 101 Roulette Winning Tips .com Site Roulette System: How you can win Roulette easily and automatically
In this article, we will discuss on "A personal interview with the FAST Roulette System's creator, Raymond Lai."
Q: Hi Raymond, thanks for joining us in this interview. Before we talk about your FAST Roulette System, tell us a little about your background.
Raymond: It really all started with the roulette game. I first started working in casinos , in charge of roulette table and studying the mechanism of roulette system while under the supervision of professional roulette player. After spending thousands of dollars buying other "so called infallible Roulette System" in the early 2000's, and testing thousands and thousands of randomly generated spins as well as real life spins, I discovered that most of roulette systems in the market are not promising acceptable winning roulette results over a long term. I first identified all the winning roulette tips that can help players to win consistently. After a couple of year's success with it I wrote a "101roulettewinningtips" manual about my experience with the 101roulettewinningtips and how others could do it--which also sold well. In fact you can still buy it today. Then I went on to sell it over the internet in the mid-2003 and sales increased massively.
Q: Tell us how you developed your FAST Roulette System.
Raymond: Well, for several years in the early 2000's I had been looking for ways to turn the roulette game to my advantage, and I studied a lot of material on theory of roulette system. It was an interesting period. You wouldn't believe the weird, off the wall theories out there. I even read one book that claimed several thousand people could 'will' the numbers they wanted through Numerology.
Q: Strange solutions indeed. How did you figure out your own system then?
Raymond: Through a lot of hard thought and lateral thinking. It helped that I was a brilliant mathematician and statistician, and some of my analytical mathematical abilities might have rubbed off me! When I found the "eureka" solution that seemed to work, I spent a further couple of years researching and checking it. Although at that time I had computers that might have sped the whole research process up, the FAST Roulette System doesn't actually work on generated or computed numbers. So it had to be done by hand. Took a while.
Q: Why is your so system different that you couldn't use a computer?
Raymond: I found that despite the blinding speed and computational abilities of modern systems even back then, no-one had actually come up with a way to predict a win from past draws at 100% confidence level. This was the breakthrough for me. It simply told me this: That no-one can actually predict winning numbers through analysing and extrapolating past results. And when I realized this, it made my own system solution much more valuable as a result. So, although it took a while to figure out, suddenly I had found the 'missing link' to winning roulette.
Q: If you say that no-one can predict a win, how does your system work then?
Raymond: The system works mainly by eliminating the millions of number combinations that won’t win. For example, you'll never see 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 appearing consequently in a roulette game... that is pretty unlikely. And there are countless other losing combinations too. My FAST Roulette System identifies these bad boys, giving the winnable combinations preference. Easy--once you know how!
Q. How is the FAST Roulette System different from other systems out there, like Martingale?
Raymond: Martingale just works on doubling after a loss. It doesn't make any distinction on your table limit, so most times you are wasting your money on the long streaks. With the FAST Roulette System, you do not focus on predicting the winning numbers. That makes it different from almost every other system I've studied. (And if you find a system that works like the FAST Roulette System, you can bet your bottom dollar that is was adapted from mine!)
Q: OK, that sounds good. But has anyone won with your system?
Raymond: Yes indeed. The most recent was an European couple who won over EURO$28,000.00 using it. Many people have covered their costs, and as well won smaller amounts up to $50,000.00. One of the main advantages with my system is that you can be winning big amount fast WHILE you are unlikely to lose over the long term--as it eventually will.
Q: Is playing long term part of your system? Why can't we win big over a long term?
Raymond: What many folks don’t realize is that when a system like mine win fast (and this is why I call it "FAST Roulette System" because to my knowledge I'm the only system that admits that fact), the next best thing is to play strtegically over the long term. So what you're doing here is win fast and big while you're using the winning money that belong to the casino to win over the long term. The FAST Roulette System puts you in the line. The best thing about my system is that you don’t have to wait many hours to win big money- as one academic predicted for other systems. It could be just a small number of spins before you have sufficient money to play long term.
Q: So we might have to be patient? That's hard to do!
Raymond: Many people don’t have the patience to keep going, and going, even when they are winning small but the real winners will persist.
Q: I was going to bring that up, Raymond. Is there another way we can win roulette quicker with your system?
Raymond: Sure. Just increase the maximum bet. For example, when I play online, I bet $5. My chance of winning is very much less - not very good at all in fact - if I were only able to play at maximum bet of $50.
Q: Are you saying you've got to have a higher bankroll to win big.
Raymond: Definitely not. Every bet using FAST Roulette system gives you a better chance than any other system I know. But the more you bet in each game, the higher your chances become. So if you can't afford many bets each game, you should maybe save and play then when you have sufficient bankroll. But I emphasis to everybody playing any roulette game at all--make sure it is money you can afford to lose. Because it might take weeks before you make it back or get a major win.
Q: What do you say to those people who think roulette is unpredictable?
Raymond: Haven't heard the word "unpredictable" for a while! Not many people really understand how the roulette game really works. If you ever think you're not going to win at roulette, think again.
Q: From your website and what you're saying here, you sure don’t sound like someone trying to sell your system. You've covered the downside of playing too.
Raymond: I'm a highly ethical person - So it's really important to me that people get the right balance of information to play right. That's why I offer guaranteed refund if you are not satisfied with the system.
Q: Is this why you use the term "100% guaranteed refund" a lot in your website?
Raymond: Sure. Most other systems out there are highly optimistic about you winning, but they're mainly based on guesswork and wrongly-calculated maths. I believe mine is the first roulette system that guaranteed you almost 100% win if you follow what you can and can't do with a system.
Q: Thanks for your time here. Is there a last word you want to say?
Raymond: Yes, I'd like to say to all future FAST Roulette System owners this... take a good look at my system. Don’t spend your last cent on playing. And above all, keep going - - even when your wins are small or take a while to come through. You WILL eventually triumph!
Q: Thanks! Readers can see my FAST Roulette System website here:
Posted by
11:05 AM
Labels: Articles, Reviews, Sports-and-Recreation
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
URL: www.FatLoss4Idiots.com - Official Fat Loss 4 Idiots .com Site Fat Loss 4 Idiots / Weight Loss and Diet Center
Weight Loss Facts:
Low Fat Foods DON'T WORK.
You cannot lose weight using Low Fat Diets. Low fat foods have been popular for more than 15 years, but yet our society is getting more overweight as each year passes. This fact alone should tell you that eating a purely low fat menu is not the answer to losing weight.
Low Calorie Diets DON'T WORK.
You won't lose weight using a Low Calorie Dieting Plan either. In fact, eating low calories is the worst thing that you can do to your body, since that will only slow down your body's fat burning engine and ruin all chances of losing weight (low calorie diets may allow a few pounds of weight loss for the first few days, but then after that all weight loss comes to a halt --- known as a dieting plateau). You can never get slim by starving yourself.
Low Carb Plans DON'T WORK.
You'll probably find it extremely difficult to get slim using a Low Carb Dieting Plan. Low carb diets have recently become popular over the last couple years, but the problem with low carb menus is that they are too strict and TOO HARD TO FOLLOW for average people. Low carb menus tend to rob your body of too much energy (carbohydrates) and make it nearly impossible to remain on the program for very long. This is why so many dieters find it difficult to follow a strict low carbohydrate menu.
What about Weight Watchers and Jenny Craig Dieting Plans?
Weight loss programs such as Weight Watchers (and Jenny Craig) usually involve slower dieting progress over a longer period of time, since such programs generally promise only 2-3 pounds of weight loss per week. Also, programs such as Jenny Craig usually involve buying special meals and/or dietary supplements during the initial phases of the program. While some people may like these types of dietary programs, we prefer a dieting plan which focuses on faster weight loss, such as the Accelerated Fat Burning Program shown below... More - www.FatLoss4Idiots.com
Posted by
1:47 PM
Labels: Health-and-Fitness
Ares Ultra
URL: www.AresUltra.com - Official Ares Ultra .com Site Music
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1:36 PM
Labels: Computing-and-Internet, Downloads, Fun-and-Entertainment
URL: www.1920-30.com - Official 1920 30 .com Site One Hour Dress
Are You Looking for a Fast and Easy way to make a Dress?....
“Eighty Years ago your great grandmother had the same problem and so Mary Picken of the Woman's Institute published a Solution”
The Simple System outlined in her booklet became an overnight success. Thousands of Women used it as their dressmaking bible and it is just as relevant today as it was then... More - www.1920-30.com
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1:28 PM
Labels: Fun-and-Entertainment
URL: www.TheSpywareDetective.com - Official The Spyware Detective .com Site The Spyware Detective
Spyware Detective remove adware and spyware, Popup killer, Web security, Privacy software, Clean histories and cache, Cookies, Internet files, Stop popups
You will receive your registration code instantly on the web and a copy via email for your records. You will then be able to activate The Spyware Detective to clean all errors found in your registry.
The "Spyware" concept is an internet jargon for Advertising Supported Software.
It is a technology that assists in gathering information about a person computer or organization computer without their knowledge. The spyware can be software that tracks usage and reports it to others, such as advertisers. Even though the name may indicate so, spyware is not an illegal software in any way. But the way this information is handle by adware and spyware providers is beyond your control. Most of the cases the information is stored and send without your consent.
The Spyware Detective is a powerful application that helps you protect your privacy.
The Spyware Detective finds adware and spyware in the system using an comprehensive database of definitions. The user can choose between scanning a drive or special directories. The targets scanned are: files, dll-s executables, other possible infected files, cookies, registries and processes... More - www.TheSpywareDetective.com
Posted by
1:18 PM
Labels: Computing-and-Internet
URL: www.TattooMeNow.com - Official Tattoo Me Now .com Site Tattoos - Thousands of Tattoo Designs and Tattoo Pictures
The ULTIMATE Collection Of Tattoo Designs Is Finally Available!
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* Skull Tattoos... More - www.TattooMeNow.com
Posted by
12:58 PM
Labels: Health-and-Fitness, Society-and-Culture
URL: www.BestSpeedReadingCourse.com - Official Best Speed Reading Course .com Site The 16 Minute Speed Reading Audio Program
"How To Quickly And Easily Double YOUR Reading Speed In Just 16 Minutes - 100% Guaranteed..."
I'm about to reveal to you how my ONE simple technique that puts every other speed reading system to shame time-and-time again, and how you can EASILY DOUBLE your reading speed using it!
If you’re reading this then you’ve obviously been exposed to speed reading in one form or another. I know, because I’ve searched for years to find courses, training programs and products that will help to improve my reading speed.
In short, I’ve just about worn out my tape recorder listening to audio programs on learning speed reading techniques and principles.
And my bookshelf? Well, let’s just say that my two bookcases have nothing but speed reading material on them!
And here’s why: As the owner of my own marketing company, I get tons and tons of marketing material that I need to read through (not scan through – I mean actually read and comprehend what these articles and letters are saying).
Even with all these speed reading programs and materials that I have studied and gone through... More - www.BestSpeedReadingCourse.com
Posted by
12:46 PM
Labels: Home-and-Family, Money-and-Employment
URL: www.MakeMoneyTeaching.com - Official Make Money Teaching .com Site Tutoring Business, Tutoring as a Business, Tutoring, Make Money Teaching
You too can earn over $50 an hour teaching students part time or full time
Are you already teaching private students?
Do you tutor students?Are you teaching guitar? Do you want to learn how to start a cooking school? Would you love to have your own karate school, dance school, art studio, driving school? Do you teach ballet, music, painting, martial arts, computer software, book keeping, photography? Do you have skills that you want to teach to others?
If this has ever been a dream of yours, you've come to the right Web site! My reports can help you make more money teaching
Before I wrote these reports I spoke with teachers from many disciplines such as karate teachers, art teachers, dance teachers,individuals who tutor students, and many other types of private education teachers. While each of us taught different subjects, we all agreed that as teachers we had a lot in common.
-Each of us had students as customers.
-All of us had to do our own advertising and registration.
-Students who called for lessons often asked the same types of questions no matter what was being taught.
-Our students also had many of the same learning patterns and concerns regardless of the subject being taught.
-Many of the teachers I spoke with followed the same seasonal schedules.
This is why for the past two years, private education teachers from all over the world have bought these reports. No matter what you teach, you will find the information of practical use and easy to apply to your subject area.
Click here to read samples from all three reports with crucial information related to starting your teaching business or private school. There is nothing to pay and you do not need to give your e-mail address. Just click and you will go right to the sample reports.
Grossed over $2,000,000
For the past 27 years over 7,500 students paid me and my staff to study with us. I brought into my business well over $2,000,000 in teaching revenue before taxes and expenses. Then I also had other revenue streams related to teaching my students but income that involved sales, rentals and commissions from retail businesses who sold products and services my students needed... More - www.MakeMoneyTeaching.com
Posted by
12:37 PM
Labels: Money-and-Employment
URL: www.Obvious-Expert.com - Official Obvious Expert .com Site How To Position Yourself As The Obvious Expert in 90 Days or Less
Position yourself as The Obvious Expert in your field and dramatically increase your income.
How To Position Yourself As The Obvious Expert In 90 Days Or Less
Let me ask you, have you ever felt frustrated and under appreciated?...are you not earning as much as you're really worth as a consultant or entrepreneur?... maybe not even enough to comfortably provide for you and your family?
I've got good news for you, all that can change for you very quickly.
Hi, my name is Elsom Eldridge, Jr., you've probably heard of me.
For the past thirty years I've been working as a business consultant, not from an "ivory tower perspective" mind you, but in the real world trenches where you're on the line every day to convince prospects to do business with you, and produce real results for your customers and clients.
During those years, I've learned from my own experience, from the experience of other experts, and I've taken my share of lumps and learned the hard way too... More - www.Obvious-Expert.com
Posted by
12:18 PM
Labels: Marketing-and-Ads, Money-and-Employment
URL: www.Sleep-Sound.com - Official Sleep Sound .com Site Sleep Sound Insomnia Cure-Sleep Sound Program
How To Fall Asleep Easily And Quickly Every Night And Stay Asleep Until Morning
There is a cure for your insomnia and its fast, easy and doesn't involve taking sleeping pills...
Are you spending your nights tossing and turning? Glancing at the glowing digits on the alarm clock, dreading it going off in the morning and the start of another exhausting day?
Maybe you have had to resort to taking sleeping pills? If you have ever needed sleeping pills for more than a few days you may have found that the sleep they give you isn't as refreshing as normal sleep. That's because they interfere with the natural sleep cycle. The sleep they give is a relief, but it isn't the type of sleep that nature intended... More - www.Sleep-Sound.com
Posted by
12:06 PM
Labels: Health-and-Fitness
URL: www.12MonthInternetMillionaire.com - Official 12 Month Internet Millionaire .com Site 12 Month Internet Millionaire
Here's How You Can Make $1 Million Online With Your Ideas... EVEN WHEN 98.4% OF YOUR PROSPECTS TELL YOU TO GET LOST!!!...
"The Amazing Money-Making Secret of a 28-year-old Convicted Felon Who Earns More Money Per Year Than The CEOs of FedEx... eBay... Amazon.com... Time Warner... Apple Computer... McDonalds... Microsoft... Nike... Yahoo... Ford Motor Company... General Motors... and Goodyear COMBINED!”... More - www.12MonthInternetMillionaire.com
Posted by
11:47 AM
Labels: Business-to-Business, Money-and-Employment